IQ Bots is substituting humans at work
Every country’s government is trying its best to open new workplaces in order to reduce unemployment percentage. Day by day, this is becoming more difficult, because programmed machines called Robotic Process Automation are going into the labor market.
As in a short way, RPA called electronic robot is useful to companies which work with Big Data. For example, in labor market providers of mobile telephone services like Kcell, Beeline and different financial institutions are willing to set up one RPA bot to substitute ten crew members in the company.
Smart electronic workers are provided by companies like Blue Prism, Automation Anywhere and UI Path. According to the recourses from the internet, a client has to pay minimum $1200 for a year in order to hire a simple bot who will be able to do office manager’s operations.
The First Steps
Ernst & Young is setting up the first automated programs in Kazakhstan. “RPA can do simple duties of the office manager. In order to set it up, we adapt the program to company’s database by modeling with algorithms”, Aleksey Shmuratko, Chief consultant of E&Y, said.
According to Shmuratko, IQ bots can’t substitute real workers for 100% at present time. “Anyway, web robots can work ten times faster than ordinary office worker”, he said. “Moreover, you don’t have to be a programmer to set it up to big data”.
As E&Y’s performance improvement manager Alexandra Chernikova told, highly developed countries like the USA, Australia, Canada and countries in Europe are putting it in priority to use RPA programs in their daily job. It gives mush more profits to business holders. “Despite that, we are not firing employees. We are giving them an opportunity to get qualification again”, she said.
Amazon experience
One of the richest men in the world Jeff Bezos is doing well to make even more money. He managed to fire 50 000 workers in Amazon storehouses and set up 30 000 robots to substitute them. Depot robots are made by Kiva Systems which was bought by Amazon in 2012.
According to Business Insider, robots move with average speed 7.5 km per hour and can lift goods with 280 kg weight maximum. At present time, robots are managing to do five crew members job at the time.
This shows how robots are taking our jobs in the market. What about internet services?! Representatives of companies which based on making IQ bots says that they are trying to build self-developing internet program. This idea must be developed in a near future because it’s perspective in usage. If they create it, optimization of the working process will be profitable.